Day 8 – Expect the Unexpected

John 4:7 – “A woman of Samaria came to draw water. “Give me a drink,” Jesus said to hear…”
The mixture was not good for the culture. A single Samaritan woman in a messed up relationship is with a single Jewish male who’s leading a spiritual revolution. Rumors stir easily when the mixture is poor. We all know that bad news will travel much quicker than good news. It was an unexpected meeting and an unexpected ending. It’s not so off the wall for Christ to do something so unexpected. Talk to the delivered addict who was on his way for a fix, but met a believer who shares the Gospel. Talk to the young lady who was on her way to the bar, but met a Christian that witnessed her. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the years I’ve served the Savior, it’s to expect the unexpected. I’ve heard count after account of the expected appearances of Christ. You never can tell where He will show up and stir things up in life and your life. There is one thing you can expect. When He shows up, you won’t be the same, and neither will your life. As a believer, it wouldn’t surprise us for Him to change one life; but we wouldn’t expect to hear that one person meeting Christ would then lead to the change of an entire community for Christ. That’s how Christ is. He is the Master of the unexpected. You may feel like life’s Journey has no purpose or value, you need to expect the unexpected. You may have received some bad life-altering news, expect Christ to do the unexpected. When His life meets your life, expect your life to change. Expect the Unexpected.
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