- Liquid Fast – Drinking only purified liquids for a period of 40 days.
- Daniel Fast – Eat no meat, no dairy, no sweets, no bread, processed food, and drink purified liquids
water, juice, etc. Nuts, fruits, and vegetables; raw or cooked. 10-21 days - Indulgence Fast – A Fast that involves self-denial of a habit. (TV, Social Media, Shopping, Sweets…)
This is not technically a Biblical fast, but is often combined with a Biblical fast as the Holy Spirit leads. - Partial Fast – Fast until 6:00AM to 6:00PM or sun-up to sundown.
- Fast of Sacrifice – Anything the Holy Spirit speaks to you about that would be a personal sacrifice.
- Absolute Fast – No food or Liquids for 3 days. Not recommended unless the Holy Spirit leads.
**Any type of fasting that can alter prescribed medications should be cleared by a physician.